Friday, October 23, 2009

Challenge # 7

For my course I learned about managing my e-mail. I have issues with always going over my size limit on my inbox so i thought this would be a good way to learn some tricks of the trade that will help me better managed my e-mail. I plan on using many of the tools I learned. I now know know how to find mail by size, so i can delete the huge files that are junking up my inbox and make more room for the items i really need. I also learned that all my little folders I have take up space in my inbox- for some strange reason I thought I had more room cause I was moving them to a different spot. Now I know that I need manage my folders as well. Also some tips I already use I was able to see are good things to keep doing such as emptying my deleted items folder and going into my send items and deleting them as well.